This is academia but not as you know it...

Hello, I'm Sam. Industry marketer, with a freshly squeezed PhD, lecturer, researcher, born in Glasgow but made in Manchester, navigating the world of academia one tweet at a time. I'm taking over @AcademicChatter's twitter on May 28th 2019 8am GMT til late to talk about personal branding and working smarter in academia.
What's all the fuss about...
There's no dummies guide to being an academic - believe me, I've checked Amazon. As an academic, I think we can change how we do things a little - we need to work smarter not harder. Whatever stage you are at on your academic journey, wherever in the world you are reading this, we all have one thing in common - many of us don't have enough time to be the best academic we want to be. I've been in the academic game a little while now, and I've picked up a few tips and tools to help others work smarter and leverage their personal brand.
I'm a marketer at heart, so I'm not delving into unfounded territory here. I'm used to marketing businesses and other people, so I thought why don't I switch my industry head on here and help out my fellow academics and ECRs too. While I do not profess to know everything I hope my tips and tools can help you along your journey and make your academic work life a little easier and a little more entertaining. Perhaps you are studying in the library or you're perched on the kitchen table working (shout out to my fellow part-time postgrads), perhaps it's first thing in the morning you have a massive to-do list and don't know where to start, or maybe you're on the ball with everything but you want to know how to take your career to the next level. I'm here with tips, tools, thoughts and shares... so come along with me as I figure out the world of academia.
Say hey 👋
Got a question? Got a tip you want to share? You can tweet me @drsamlynch, visit my website, find me on LinkedIn - drsamlynch or just Google me - I'll be floating around in the electronic ether somewhere.