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Need to draft your CV/Resume for an academic or higher education role quickly? Enjoy our done-for-you Word document template. Simply fill in the blanks and send it. A simple, no-fuss tool to get the job done well.


Real Results 

No more wondering if your academic CV or Resume will hit the mark - this one is tried and tested with our academic clients at every level. Convey your value concisely and professionally with impact. Take a fresh approach to your CV and academic resume. Get the Promotion. Get the Job. Get the paycheck that matches your ambitions. 


Not all CVs/Resumes are created equal

You want a CV or Resume, but you want a specialist academic CV or academic Resume that makes you stand out and that ultimately converts into interviews, job offers and promotion opportunities. Use this resume not just once, but again and again. Our clients have used this for Post-Doc roles right through to full Professor and Head of Faculty Department.


The best part

Our academic clients love our templates. Clients who have purchased this template have gone on to purchase our cover letter template or progressed to specialist personal brand coaching for academia with us. In our coaching sessions, we support you in navigating the academic career ladder, effective pay negotiations, managing politics in academia, preparing for interview success and preparing your 90-day roadmap to create fast impact in your new role. 


Academic CV Template

SKU: 002
  • Academics including Professors, Senior Lecturer, Reader, Head of Department, Head of Faculty, Head of School, Lecturer, Post-doc. 

    Knowledge Exchange professionals: Head of KE, KE project manager, Faculty KE leads.

    Industry professionals transitioning to academic or support roles.

"Thanks to Sam I now appreciate my personal and professional value and have a clear path forward in what I want to achieve professionally. Sam has helped me secure a promotion to a more senior role."

Jo, Corporate Leader & Non-Executive Director

About Dr Sam Lynch

We’re here to help brilliant women unlock their career &
business ambitions.

I leverage 20 years of professional experience as a marketer, senior academic and business innovation lead to provide you with coaching, tools & strategies you need to find clarity in your career and business journey. 

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